Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Some Clans, am I right?

This is from animal jam jelly's blog, so all credit in bold to her. But I have to agree because this happens, and I will try at any cost to get out of a fight in my own clan. Of course, I'd always fight to protect my clan, but if there's another safe or better way, I'd take it in a heartbeat.

You know, THIS is how the clans should be:

See? That's pleasant. Just like the books. But, THIS is NOT how the clans should be!:

You don't use
"i am a rogue"
to make people back off.

Tears ear... wow...

None of these
are fair moves.

This is what happened after the last picture.

It's like a huge bundle of "no"!

Cats don't have swords... or watches...

He threatened you? Oh NOOOO. That's SOOOOO
HORRIBLE. Have you heard of sarcasm?


Huh. That's... something.

Mmm. Neck. *gag*

That's what happened
after the last picture. :|

Swearing AND necks growing back! Huzzah! NO! D:
(Do not read the next part if you hate people rambling about violence.)

Okay. First of all, clans are NOT about fighting and dying and shouting all the time. It is about trying to survive in the wild, with dangerous cars and humans destroying the forest every now and then. You know, even if there IS a fight, no one TEARS AN EAR OFF or EATS A PIECE OF SOMEONE'S NECK. I'm pretty sure I've posted about violence before, but I should do it again, so people remember AJVIW. Animal Jam Violence Is Wrong! So please, do not be violent in clans. It is just not good to do it. There are young people on Animal Jam, younger than you or me, and they don't want to see this awful stuff. :( Stop violence on Animal Jam, please!

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