Thursday, March 28, 2013

That's.... a lot of Jammers...

Hey Jammers!!!

A new Egg Hunt is ON!

                                              (Credit to Snowyclaw's blog with pictures)
And here are the pictures! The first egg is in Jamaa Township - located at the very top area, right beside Mira's left wing.

The one in Appondale is to the right of the Baobab tree!

The egg in Mt. Shiveer is next to the ice seal carving!

The egg in Sarepia is at the top of the slide. ^.^

Coral Canyon's egg is on the middle ledge of the coral cliffs!

The egg in the Lost Temple of Zios is near the water cave!

Crystal Sands's egg is to the left of the aquarium entrance!

And finally, the hidden egg of the Canyon Pathway!

Tricky, tricky! Congrats, you've found all the eggs!

You prize is ... a Nest of Eggs!

They all look fairly similar...

And if you click them, little critters pop out!

Also, if you type in the code 10MILLION, you get this awesome non member banner, proclaiming AJ's awesomeness!! <3
I wonder if the person who made it the 10 millionth got an extra present or something. Seems a little fair. But congrats to AJ, and congrats to US for contributing to the numbers!
Isn't it great, knowing we're just a random numbered Jammer? Ahh... how comforting.
Jam on!

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